

Sesame is rich in vitamin E, which is considered miraculous as it protects against arteriosclerosis, contributes in the reduction of cancer risk, is necessary for the correct function of the immune system, helps prevent cataract, reduces the risk for diabetes, decelerates Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, improves sport performance and in general increases longevity.

The lignans found in sesame, which are transferred in its products, reinforce the action of vitamin E. Experiments held in lab rats showed that adding sesame in their nutrition slowed down aging, while adding the main lignan of sesame (sesamin) reduced the rates of breast cancer. Sesame and its products have the ability to reduce cholesterol in the blood and thus protect against cardiovascular diseases, through the double role of sesamin.

Sesamin is the only substance known to stop the absorption of cholesterol from food and its composition by the human body, both at the same time. Another lignan of sesame, pinoresinol, was found to have action against hypertension. This substance is contained in an herb the Chinese have been using to treat hypertension for thousands of years. Finally, the substances found in sesame, improve liver function, helping it to break down toxic substances, such as ethanol (alcohol). This is also confirmed by the Greek customary habit of consuming halva after drinking wine.

Previous scientific findings confirm the traditional view that sesame, tahini and halva contribute in good health, longevity and quality of life.